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Five Nutritional Elements Necessary for Vegetarianism

   Release date: 2019-07-31     Hits: 26    Comment: 0    
Note: Nowadays, vegetarianism has become a popular trend. Many people advocate vegetarianism, believing that it is most benefi
 Nowadays, vegetarianism has become a popular trend. Many people advocate vegetarianism, believing that it is most beneficial to health. In fact, vegetarianism should also pay attention to supplementing some nutrients, so as to play a good role in health.
Five essential nutrients for vegetarianism gA.jpg
The Nutritional Elements Vegetarianism Must Supplement
Iron: For women, iron supplement is very important. According to a study conducted by Pennsylvania State University, iron supplementation can effectively help women concentrate and improve their memory. Because plants contain only non-heme iron, which is not easy to absorb, vegetarians mainly use legumes and cereal proteins, while cereals and legumes can hinder the absorption of iron, so vegetarians should pay attention to ingesting dark green vegetables. In addition, iron in vegetable foods must be assisted by vitamin C before it can be converted into iron needed for hematopoiesis. Therefore, you need to eat more foods rich in both iron and vitamin C, such as raisins, dates and so on. Brown sugar is also rich in iron. It is a good way for vegetarians to replace white sugar with brown sugar. Eating more vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C can also help your body absorb iron. In addition, try to avoid eating with foods that prevent your body from absorbing iron, such as beans, coffee, tea, etc.
Vitamin b2: Dairy products, whole grains, dark green vegetables, legumes, dried fruits and sesame are good remedial foods. Eating in moderation can help you prevent anaemia caused by vitamin B2 deficiency.
Zinc: Soybean products, stone fruits, unrefined cereals, wheat, pumpkin seeds and mustard are rich in zinc. If there is a child's vegetarian diet at home, we should pay special attention to zinc intake, otherwise it will affect development.
Calcium: There are some vegetarians who do not eat dairy products, which can easily reduce the body's calcium absorption. We all know that lack of calcium, especially in women, is prone to osteoporosis in middle and old age. Therefore, we should eat more fresh vegetables, soybeans and sesame and other foods rich in calcium.
Protein: Protein is the nutrient that vegetarians are most likely to lack, especially strict vegetarians, and may also lack essential amino acids for the body. So you can match different foods to meet your body's protein needs. Cereals and legumes are the best combination, you can try red bean rice, eight treasures porridge, etc. In addition, studies have shown that sweet potatoes are rich in protein, easy to absorb by the body, and are good food for vegetarians to eat regularly.
Vitamin d: Osteoporosis, rickets, fragile skeletal structure and the loss of phosphorus and calcium in the body are all caused by the lack of adequate vitamin D. Vegetarians can supplement vegetarian foods with eggs, cheese, milk and so on, because vegetarian foods contain almost no such element. In addition, compared with meat eaters, vegetarians, on the one hand, need more sunshine, so that the human body can synthesize vitamin D by itself, on the other hand, they can timely and appropriate supplement of nutritional and health products containing vitamin D.
In addition, five colors of food are essential to vegetarianism.
Vegetarianism eats five more colors of food
Red: including tomatoes, mulberries, dates, hawthorns, red apples, strawberries and so on. Red foods are rich in lycopene, carotene, iron and some amino acids. These foods contain a lot of antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer.
Yellow: mainly refers to soybeans, including beans and bean products, as well as yellow fruits and vegetables and eggs, such as soybean sprouts, broccoli, persimmons, citrus, pumpkin, bananas and so on. The advantages of yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in two kinds of vitamins A and D, cellulose and pectin, which can eliminate bacterial toxins and other harmful substances in the body, protect gastrointestinal mucosa well, and prevent the occurrence of esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, intestinal cancer and other diseases.
White: Including rice, sweet potato, yam, radish, agaric, white vinegar, pitaya fruit, lily, Yinbai, etc. This kind of food is rich in starch, sugar, protein and so on. Many of them are staple foods. They can provide many essential nutrients for the body, help to improve the immunity of the body and prevent the occurrence of tumors.
Green: mainly refers to green leafy vegetables and fruits, mainly including celery, cucumber, spinach, green pepper, hollow cabbage, mung beans, green tea and so on.
Black: refers to black food with health functions, such as mushrooms, black agaric, purple rice, black beans, black sesame, laver, etc.
Vegetarianism should have correct eating habits.
Source: Family Doctor Online
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